Rachel from The Crispy Cook is hosting this edition of Weekend Herb Blogging. The rules for taking part can be found here.
Wolfberries also known as 枸杞 had been used in China for centuries. It is also known as the Chinese wolfberries or Chinese Boxthorn. Wolfberries claimed medicinal properties includes liver protection, improving the eyesight and increase longevity. They are also known to strengthen weak legs.
Wolfberries had been used in teas, soups, tonic brews, stew, wine and also eaten like raisins. In Singapore, the dried wolfberries are most common and can be easily purchased at Chinese medicinal stores. It is also relatively cheap.
The dish here uses dried wolfberries stir-fried with 乃白 (nai bai), a kind of seasonal vegetable commonly available in this region. Cheap and nutritious, this dish can be found on the reunion dinners during the Chinese Lunar New Year.
You will need: (serves 2 to 4)
Handful of dried wolfberries
500g nai bai
Soak wolfberries in warm water for half hour. Drain and set aside.
Brown chopped garlic.
Add the vegetables and stir-fry.
Just before serving, add in the wolfberries.
Shredded Chicken Curry Bowl
2 days ago
Thank you for sending this interesting addition to Weekend Herb Blogging. I liked learning about wolfberries!